Both you and your soon-to-be-husband are music fanatics so you want this personality to shine throughout your wedding. You know the importance of live entertainment so you don’t take things lightly especially when it comes to hiring the right band for your big and special day. However you are having a hard time deciding since you are the lover of the timeless classic while your groom is into the rock scene. Compromising and meeting halfway should be your number one priority so here are some tips to consider to have the best live entertainment for your wedding:

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1. Talk and be open with your partner about your music playlist

The key to a successful relationship is an open communication and it’s the same thing when it comes to wedding preparation especially about your live entertainment. If both of you are leaning towards different music genre, why not make an agreement where both of you will have a win-win situation? If you prefer the classic, why not use your desired playlist on the wedding ceremony itself and if your husband prefers loud and happy music, why not use this genre for your wedding reception and party?

live entertainment 

2. Hire two bands if you have the budget, if not you can always hire one

Now the dilemma is this, will you have the budget to splurge in hiring two bands? If yes, then by all means hire two! For the classical lover in you, the big band orchestra or a jazz band will do you good. However if you don’t have the money, why not hire a harpist or violinist since their services are quite cheaper than hiring a quartet. Don’t also forget to hire a live band for your live entertainment on your wedding reception! If short on the budget, you can just hire the live band for the party instead as this is absolutely necessary for the entertainment of your guests. You don’t want them dozing off to wonderland on your party, right?

Casa Romantica wedding entertainment celebration | Marissa and Matteo

live entertainment

3. Ask your partner to accompany you to hear the band play

Since this will be your wedding, your groom’s opinion on this matter is important so it’s best for him to accompany you on your appointments. For your live entertainment, it’s advisable to hear the band play live instead of hearing them play via an mp3 or watching them over a video since you will have the chance to gauge them personally.

live entertainment

4. Singing waiters are a fun idea

Why not hire singing waiters to provide live entertainment for your guests during the wedding reception? Guests will surely be amused in hearing your waiters carry a tune while they enjoy munching on their food.

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5. Ask friends to do an acoustic song intermission

Knowing you have a lovely set of musician friends, why not ask one or two of them to provide live entertainment on your wedding by singing you a song or two? Your friends would definitely grant your wish since it’s your special day.

 6. Speak with entertainment professionals like us!

Undercover Live Entertainment